Holy shit at the difference between r/short and r/tall

31  2018-02-06 by Short_Incel_Throw

R/short: men who are under 5'6" who are venting about never having a date in their life, being alone even in their 30s, and coping using alcohol and antidepressants to kill their sex drive.

R/tall: Men posting pictures of the comical difference between them and their 4'10" girlfriend, and tall women complaining that no tall men wants to date them.

You can't make this shit up.


5’11 here, I dont even care anymore, even if I got into a relationship it would be a disaster since I understand the female brain and would be a terrible partner, you need to be a bit naive to have a happy relationship

you need to be a bit naive to have a happy relationship any happiness

How can you understand the female brain if you’ve never been with one?

How do you know the earth is round when you’ve never been into space?

Air Planes are a thing, if you’ve ever flown across the the ocean you too can see the curvature of the Earth.

JFL at the femoids on /r/short that are like 5'4" and cry about being short. Fucking disgusting.

It's even funnier seeing the obviously ugly midgets whine, because /r/short finally managed to deduce that only gutter trash pieces of shit are willing to give disgusting manlets a chance.

You mean even a desperate manlet doesn't want to date a 265lb 4'10" specimen with a beat face? Color me shocked.

It's either landwhales or single mothers for us manlets. Even then, those types of women only settle for us, as they consider Chads first. Funny how Chads look at these women with disgust, and yet women never give up on getting the Chads.

Just as you want a hot sex partner, women too want a hot sex partner. If you’re a little man don’t expect a tall beautiful woman, look for a woman shorter than you who matches you in the look department.

Funny how everyone expects us to have Stacies. All we want is a decent looks-match and our looks-match just wants Chads. As if I expect a tall model, get real.

I wouldn't even want a tall cunt, because they usually look like men and have shitty attitudes. I'd be perfectly happy being with someone shorter than me, but short women still hate short men.

I really don't get why people keep bring this up. If short cunts were okay with dating short men, short incels wouldn't exist.

And incels never give up on the stacys

Where does this preconceived notion come from that we only want to date 10/10 Stacies? Not wanting to be stuck with some ugly piece of shit for the rest of our shitty lives doesn't mean we expect a trophy wife, fucking retard.

Everyone here says we'd be perfectly happy with our looks match.

Just give me a woman with a healthy weight for her height and a decent face. Also no kids from a previous marriage. That's all I ask. Race doesn't matter, religion doesn't matter, etc. That's all that most guys here ask for.

The majority of us are not seeking models. It's as if as soon as we voice a preference, all of a sudden we're shallow and automatically are entitled to a 10/10.



What's funny is that r/short used to be what r/incels was before it gained popularity.

Back in 2015, it was universally hated across reddit for being, "A subreddit full of men who blame their height for their dating problems when they're likely just neckbeards who don't shower."

In truth, r/short was the first instance of the idea that a man's ability to get a date is determined by his genetics, which made most people uncomfortable. Then the moderators started doubling down on these vents and kicked those guys out.

I'm pretty certain most of the r/incels posters were short men themselves.

To be fair: everyone is shallow. Everyone wants a hot sex partner regardless of how they themselves look. It’s the same for men, and women, straight, bi, or gay. People don’t want to accept the truth: hot people want to fuck other hot people. That’s why ugly wo/men, fat wo/men, and short wo/men become incels they seek people out of their league and get mad when they’re rejected. People need to take a long look in the mirror and look for someone that looks like them. How are you gonna expect a 6 to reply if you’re a 2?

First of all, ugly women can get attractive partners. Second of all, women can't be incels.

People need to take a long look in the mirror and look for someone that looks like them

Because society has told women they deserve the absolute best, and deserve better. The constant pampering has turned most women into spoiled brats.

Bro have you heard of r/nicegirls ?? It’s full uf forever lonely ugly girls that spend their days unsuccessfully looking for a Chad. While I do agree with you that all women want a Chad regardless of what they themselves might look like. It comes back to what I said before... people and that includes women, should be honest with themselves and go for someone on their level, and maybe there wouldn’t be so many angry lonely people.

should be honest with themselves and go for someone on their level, and maybe there wouldn’t be so many angry lonely people

I 100% agree, but most people are to stupid to realize that, and the ones who do likely can't get with anyone in the first place.

women should be honest with themselves and go for someone on their level, and maybe there wouldn’t be so many angry lonely men

Absolutely true. Women are primarily responsible for mass shootings, most violent crime, wars etc.

You’re perverting my words. He who wields the gun is responsible for the blood that is spilled. Women don’t owe men pussy. You are not entitled to a huma body just because you exist. If you want sex, your hand is all you are entitled to.

Women don’t owe men pussy

Yes they do; as humans we have the means and therefore the obligation to reduce the suffering in the people around us. My taxes subsidize birth control access and other medical care, I volunteer, I look after kids when my extended family members are going through rough times and need a break from the responsibility, and these aren't just pleasant optional things to do but moral obligations. In the same way, women can reduce suicide rates in men (and all the terrible downstream consequences of suicide like family grief, lost productivity etc.) by taking some time out of their lives to spend talking to and having sex with them. What's your objection to this - that it makes you uncomfortable? Being a good person isn't ever going to be the most comfortable choice, that isn't the point at all.

A woman’s vagina is not an ati depressant. If you’re depressed get on anti depressants. You are not entitled to pussy. You don’t have a right to another human’s sex organs just because you’re sad. You have a right to use your hand and rub one out. A woman’s vagina is not a charity, there are women that take money in return for sexual favors, find yourself a working gal and pay her to allow you limited time acces to her womanhood. If life is too much I believe all humans have the right to choose when their time on Earth has come to an end. Such is the cycle of life not all men on Earth where meant to sow their seed. Also, if life was so bad for you why would you want to pass your genetic makeup to another? You say you give to charity right? We’ll save that money and find yourself a working gal named charity and give so that you may receive.

Sure I'm entitled to someone else's organs for a short period - if I'm lazing around on a Sunday and the old roastie across the road is having trouble getting her groceries into the house, she's entitled to my hands. If a female isn't in an exclusive relationship and I'm feeling suicidal thanks to loneliness, I'm entitled to her vagina for ten minutes or so. I think females just need to be a bit more compassionate, we all need to do things for the betterment of our fellow humans. Some of those things are going to be uncomfortable - well, who gives a fuck? Don't be so disgustingly selfish. If you feel people aren't entitled to the help of others, stop driving on the roads that taxes paved, refuse police assistance when you're being victimized etc.
Of course you won't; you want to take, as is your due... you just don't want to give anything back when it's not perfectly convenient for you.

So if an obese land whale with the face of a thirsty ogre was suicidal, would she be entitled to your dick for 10 minuets if it made her happy? Because you know compassion is a pity fuck..

Yes she would be, I just fucking said that.

People are not obligated to do shit and you are not owed shit. Jesus and these people wonder why they are celibate.

Stop dribbling shit out of your keyboard, you know perfectly well that moral obligations exist

You're right. They do. And i did. People are obligated to help you to an extent. However you must also help yourself. Help does not come in the form of sex, it comes in the form of mental health care. You are not owed sex.

While I do agree with you that all women want a Chad regardless of what they themselves might look like

Is this subreddit any different? Suggest to someone that they should try dating fat, ugly, and autistic women and they will screech at you. Everyone lowkey desires the equivalent of 'Chad'.

Yes they do. Everyone is shallow and picky, except some people are allowed to be picky..

women can't be incel


There will always be a guy desperate enough. Women can be volcels, but not incel.

And if that were the case, that is somehow the fault of females?

You're right that everyone is shallow but what you forget is that many women insist they aren't shallow and that really what attracts them is good character/kindness/friendliness from men (and they really, really don't want to admit that they're just as shallow as men), and that some men (typically nerdy or aspie guys) are genuinely fooled by this repeated insistence (which is often backed up by mothers and sometimes women who are trying to 'let him down gently').

Everyone is shallow, but some people pretend women generally aren't and some people believe this pretense.

Perhaps if we dropped said pretense, we wouldn't need to worry about people dating out of their league in the first place?

Yeah, it's ridiculous. I really don't get why women can't accept they hate short men by virtue of being short. They have no problem treating them like shit in real life, or on shit sites like twitter or facebook - yet they always try and keep up appearances here. I'd honestly hate women less if they would stop pussyfooting around the topic and just flat out say "we do hate short men."

I'm pretty certain most of the r/incels posters were short men themselves

No shit, being a manlet is one of the only legitimate claims to inceldom.

I'm pretty certain most of the r/incels posters were short men themselves.

If you have time, search up "foreveralone" in the reddit search. Most of the threads you find are going to feel familiar with the amount of platitude spamming this place gets on the regular.

Used to be a regular on short. Now they killed it because some women felt uncomfortable


Tbh i wouldn't be surprised if you actually sounded like the voice i read this in

Short men problems: I'm seen as lesser, No one has ever been attracted to me, my virtues are ignored and negatives are given to me like having a Napolian complex Tall men problems: When i go to Asia the showers are too small. So Being tall really isn't that great.

Banging my head on everything in Asia, stooping for the shower, not fitting in any cars, getting hit on by cute little Asian girls while my wife laughs. Tall Man Problems (tm).

The shower thing is mildly annoying… as is walking down airplanes.

If you can even get to Asia. Do you have any idea how fucking tiny airplane seating is?

I'm short and I'm still attractive. you guys just aren't trying hard enough

When I would first visit rshort I thought it was going to be dumb stuff like how I can't reach a tenth on the piano. Instead it was just a bunch of dudes whining about not being able to get laid.

Inceltears and blue pillers basically just want to paint most women with a broad, positive brush. They will say height doesn't matter, that lots of women aren't shallow etc.

Incels and rshort will mostly say that being short is a "death sentence" or whatever.

The truth is that it matters but it's that damn bad. Yes, some women only want tall guys, but that's their problem; imagine if some men said they could only be sexually attracted to women with breasts that are bigger than 85% of other women?....like I said, that's their problem in life. If a guy is good looking and interesting, women will want him. It's that simple.

You're a moron. Those comparisons are apples and oranges

I'm a moron that's 5'6 but managed to attract tons of women. Take my advice or leave it. It's all g.

Guys wanting a girl with big breasts is not even close to girls wanting tall guys for two reasons. 1. Even if a guy prefers large breasts, he will definitely not consider it a DEALBREAKER if she has smaller tits than his preference, where as a man that is < 5'8" is a massive deal breaker for all woman. 2. You can get fake tits easily. You can't grow four inches in height.

I said "imagine if some men said they could only be sexually attracted to women who's breasts are larger than 85% of other women"

I know most men don't have many legit requirements for dating. I know women are more shallow on average and more of them have strict requirements whether they wanna admit it or not. It is what it is. To me being shallow about boob size, something women can't control, is very similar if not identical to women being shallow about height, another sexually dimorphic attribute that is uncontrollable.

Right, "imagine" if men were more shallow, which they aren't, which we agree on. It's not an argument if it's some hypothetical reality you conjured up.

Also, pls reread. Boob size is easily changed. Height is not.

I don't like women with fake boobs. Plenty guys prefer real breasts over fake ones.

True: height is harder to change, but this was never the argument in the first place. My point: it's not as bad being short as forums like this make it seem.

I think his argument is that it is relatively common for women to reject men for their height and relatively rare for men to reject women for their breast size. Yes, the situations may be similar in concept, but if the former happens more frequently, then it is a bigger problem to be short than to have small breasts. I'm not commenting on the truth of the premises here, just explaining the reasoning.

The truth is that it matters but it's not that damn bad. Yes, some women only want tall guys, but that's their problem; imagine if some men said they could only be sexually attracted to women with breasts that are bigger than 85% of other women?....like I said, that's their problem in life. If a guy is good looking and interesting, women will want him. It's that simple.

Here's the thing, only about the top 10% to 20% (at most) of men are sexually attractive to women, everyone else is seen as "below average" at best. If it was just a few women, then sure then "that's their problem in life," but since it effectively all women, it is everyone's problem.

i don't endorse violence, but perhaps we should use eugenics to remove tall men from the gene pool

i literally said i don't endorse violence, why would you report me

If you can’t even put it in a girl how eugenics help you? Lol you need to worry about finding a woman first before you worry about genetically selecting your midget baby. Lol also, you do realize once genetic engineering becomes legal everyone is gonna delete the short genes. Nobody is gonna want a manlet for a child.

Lol you realize he means it's not for his benefit, but so that people in the future don't have to be born with his shitty features. He's lost all hope thanks to faggots like you that he's chalked up his life as a loss, and wants to prevent others in the future from experiencing his suffering.

i don't endorse violence, but perhaps we should use eugenics to remove tall men from the gene pool

Where did you get that?? He’s clearly saying people of the future are gonna select the ‘manlet’ gene over the ‘chad’ gene on purpose. Nobody is gonna purposely curse their child be purposely making them a manlet.

Also, how did fagots like me fuck it up for losers like you? We suck dick and fuck other men. If anything we’re helping because we aren’t in competition for pussy, we don’t want it you guys can have all the pussy for all we care. We are not taking women away from you. Unless you’re mad because we get more man ass?

Nobody is gonna purposely curse their child by purposely making them a manlet.

clearly we'll need to change the culture; under the soviet union people wanted their children to be famous manlets like goethe, marx and napoleon

Also, how did faggots like me fuck it up for losers like you? We suck dick and fuck other men. If anything we’re helping because we aren’t in competition for pussy

you destroy and distort the boundaries of acceptable sexual behaviour and teach women that people who take dick are worthwhile

For me acceptable sexual behavior is consensual sex between two adults. Do you think consent is disgusting? And yes people who take dick are worthwhile, people don’t loose their worth because of a penis. You have serious mental issues, your view of reality is so twisted. The truth is: sex is natural. Every human on earth is here because of a sexual act, from old fashioned intercourse to a man ejaculating into a tube. We are sexual beings, women and men like sex. Sex is how we keep the population alive. As a human you are entitled to sexual release, you can achieve an orgasm on your own without the need of another human. Sex with another person is a PRIVILEGE NOT A RIGHT. If you want to bust a nut a no woman on Earth wants you use your hand. You are not entitled to another human’s body just because you exist. If you where not blessed with beauty higher a sex worker, or buy a realistic sex doll. Life isn’t fair, that doesn’t mean you get to go out and rape someone.

For me acceptable sexual behavior is consensual sex between two adults.

tell it to the bible

what the fuck does the rest of this have to do with my post you lunatic

You said faggots push the boundaries of acceptable sexual behavior, we stand for sexual consent between two adults. Tell what to the Bible? That I like consensual sex with adults? The Bible is a book it’s not gonna listen to me and it’s not gonna care what I say. Do you tell things to books? Is that a thing that you do? Do they talk to you back?

You said faggots push the boundaries of acceptable sexual behavior, we stand for sexual consent between two adults.

what the fuck does this have to do with me apparently being pro-rape you lunatic

Tell what to the Bible? That I like consensual sex with adults? The Bible is a book it’s not gonna listen to me and it’s not gonna care what I say. Do you tell things to books? Is that a thing that you do? Do they talk to you back?

it's just a phrase you nerd

You said us faggots are to blame for pushing the boundaries of acceptable sexual behavior. Faggots like me have been pushing for consensual sex between 2 adults. Clearly you have a problem with consent between 2 adults because you said we are to blame for. The Bible doesn’t require women to consent to sex and that is what we call rape. If you want to go back to the days when women didn’t have consent that is rape. You can call it whatever you like but rape is rape.

You said us faggots are to blame for pushing the boundaries of acceptable sexual behavior.

more or less

Faggots like me have been pushing for consensual sex between 2 adults. Clearly you have a problem with consent between 2 adults because you said we are to blame for.

you lost me there

The Bible doesn’t require women to consent to sex and that is what we call rape.

"the bible supports rape" is a really hot take

If you can’t even put it in a girl how is eugenics gonna help you?

clearly we will also need to redistribute all sexual wealth

Lol also, you do realize once genetic engineering becomes legal everyone is gonna delete the short genes. Nobody is gonna want a manlet for a child.

they will if they are forced to have a manlet child

So you’re saying we have to force women to have sex with manlets and the society needs to pressure them to have a manlet child? In what reality do you think society would purposely breed inferior humans? Why would we genetically engineere weaklings? Be realistic as soon as geneti engineering becomes legal people are gonna line up to ensure their children aren’t born with unsavory traits. I hope someday you will understand a simple truth: You are only entitled to sex with yourself. Sex with another human is a privilege not a right. Women don’t owe you sex, if you want sexual release use your hand or buy a fleshlight.

In what reality do you think society would purposely breed inferior humans?

firstly the average mediocre lanklet is inferior to goethe/ marx/ napoleon, not the other way around you dumb faggot

every society with a culture has bred for manlets

hy would we genetically engineere weaklings? Be realistic as soon as geneti engineering becomes legal people are gonna line up to ensure their children aren’t born with unsavory traits.

then adult manlets will unite to prevent these literal bastards from being born

Sex with another human is a privilege not a right.

so is legal homosexuality, muslims seem to be doing fine without it

If you’re so superior why are you angry bitter and alone? If you’re so superior why are you gonna die without ever knowing the loving embrace of a woman? If you’re so superior why does the entire world look down on you with pity? Sadly, you’re only superior in your own deranged head where you’ve convinced yourself that rape is consent because you know deep down rape is the only way you’ll ever feel a woman’s touch. Because women would rather fuck a rusty hammer than have you touch them. Kissed dear heart💋💋

If you’re so superior why are you angry bitter and alone?

i'm not goethe

Sadly, you’re only superior in your own deranged head where you’ve convinced yourself that rape is consent because you know deep down rape is the only way you’ll ever feel a woman’s touch.

where the fuck did i say any of this you lunatic

firstly the average mediocre lanklet is inferior to goethe/ marx/ napoleon, not the other way around you dumb faggot

I see deranged stupid.. what a winner. Sorry little Napoleon I’ve angered your little man ego.

that's okay, we all make mistakes

The funny thing about r/short is that they still blame the incels Boogeyman every time someone is negative on the sub.

similar dissonance between



i wish i wasn't banned from SDP. mods are unfair

SDP: my wife left me, she doesn't love me, I'm going to die alone.

BDP: this 8/10 girl I fucked last night cried because my dick was too big and it hurt her a little bit, but it's the biggest dick she ever had so we are going to try again tonight.

And if you are also unattractive might as well put a bullet in your head

It really makes me angry. I hate having these inferior genes, knowing that my family line will never survive no matter what i do. Even if i manage to have children, they'll end up disgusting, bucktoothed, short, and have a father who's a product of cousins having children.

I sincerely hope that me being a product of incest kills me soon.

It looks like you wrote a lowercase I instead of an uppercase I. This has happened 5367 times on Reddit since the launch of this bot.

Lol at females on r/short

Lol even harder at the users who accept them and the mods who don't ban them on sight

Probably because incels started to flood that subreddit. It's not made up, it's just been inflated with your narrative because of you people.

Lol this sub is the definition of Wahhhh but really you are generalizing to hell and back

I've always been self conscious about my height (5'9-5'10) But after reading this post you sort of cured me. Both sides are ridiculous ;)

You're a moron. Those comparisons are apples and oranges

Funny how everyone expects us to have Stacies. All we want is a decent looks-match and our looks-match just wants Chads. As if I expect a tall model, get real.

Guys wanting a girl with big breasts is not even close to girls wanting tall guys for two reasons. 1. Even if a guy prefers large breasts, he will definitely not consider it a DEALBREAKER if she has smaller tits than his preference, where as a man that is < 5'8" is a massive deal breaker for all woman. 2. You can get fake tits easily. You can't grow four inches in height.

I wouldn't even want a tall cunt, because they usually look like men and have shitty attitudes. I'd be perfectly happy being with someone shorter than me, but short women still hate short men.

I really don't get why people keep bring this up. If short cunts were okay with dating short men, short incels wouldn't exist.

You said faggots push the boundaries of acceptable sexual behavior, we stand for sexual consent between two adults.

what the fuck does this have to do with me apparently being pro-rape you lunatic

Tell what to the Bible? That I like consensual sex with adults? The Bible is a book it’s not gonna listen to me and it’s not gonna care what I say. Do you tell things to books? Is that a thing that you do? Do they talk to you back?

it's just a phrase you nerd

Air Planes are a thing, if you’ve ever flown across the the ocean you too can see the curvature of the Earth.

Yes she would be, I just fucking said that.

The truth is that it matters but it's not that damn bad. Yes, some women only want tall guys, but that's their problem; imagine if some men said they could only be sexually attracted to women with breasts that are bigger than 85% of other women?....like I said, that's their problem in life. If a guy is good looking and interesting, women will want him. It's that simple.

Here's the thing, only about the top 10% to 20% (at most) of men are sexually attractive to women, everyone else is seen as "below average" at best. If it was just a few women, then sure then "that's their problem in life," but since it effectively all women, it is everyone's problem.