Chadlite with 3,000 matches on Tinder travels Europe for free, stays with 21 Stacys along the way

39  2018-02-05 by earth_is_a_cube


Just fucking lol. It's over.

but he's white so it's okay with you. No diagrams and charts to prove that women prefer Nerdic nice guys over unemployed bearded stinky mystery meat whites

Why do you choose to torture yourself by comparing yourself to someone like that?


No dude, it was his personality.

I would say that those women are prettier than he is. So why douböe standards?

Just kill me man.

Stop looking at this shit. 99.99% of guys can't pull that off and don't kill themselves. It's an unrealistic standard.

Think about it. He only made media headlines because it was such a rare thing it was newsworthy. Even most "Chads" can't do that.

Wow you are delusional

Keep preaching brother. Those are facts. People can't argue with that, woman only go after chads.

I'm not saying there isn't inequality. I'm saying this guy isn't even the top 20%. He's the top 0.000001%. No one else has traveled Europe for free off Tinder.

This is like saying "if you're not Lebron, quit basketball". Comparing yourself to Lebron is unnecessarily depressing. Guys not named Lebron can still shine as college stars and some make millions going pro.

He doesn't look that good, he's not the best looking man in the world or even close 1 in 3 billion lol. He just looks good enough, we don't, such is life, many guys can pull this off

He's the only one to do it. He's not the hottest. It's a combination of his looks, charisma, humor, social media marketing, and other things. Yes, personality matters - once you're good looking. The point is you guys are comparing yourselves to rare anomalies, not even the "average" Chad. Most other Chads couldn't do the same thing.

That's like saying if I can't be a billionaire and US president, I'm too poor to live. It's over. Why even work? Billionaire or rope.

He's literally not even chad, he doesn't even look good enough to be chad. Personality literally does not matter at all, maybe in LTRs but trust me, not one man on this planet legitimately wants an LTR, we are all biologically polygamous. We all want to fuck as much hot girls as humanly possible. Personality doesn't matter once you're good looking and it doesn't matter before it either, it's a myth, attractive men tend to be assholes, you know why? Because they can be, and they will always get away with it. I am not blaming women, they have their biology to prefer chad and we have our biology to prefer Stacy, society just happens to be hypergamous so almost all women can get chad while almost no men can get Stacy.

Personality literally does not matter at all

It does, once you're 8/10 or higher. Hookups too, not just LTRs.

To you 3/10 cucks it seems like personality doesn't matter because looks are BY FAR the feature holding you back. Looks are your limiting factor. But once someone passes that looks threshold, other shit matters too. You just can't see it when you're fucked on looks.

It's like how to someone dying of thirst, water is the only fucking thing that matters to stay alive. That doesn't mean other things literally do not matter at all for life. It just means food and shelter aren't going to help you if you don't have water. For someone who has water, other shit matters too.

This is so fucking true. Both Incels and Inceltears types are so off base about how the world works. It is totally possible for your looks to fuck you in the dating market, even if you have a decent personality. Legitimately unfortunate looking people really do have it tough.

But once you pass the threshold of being legitimately attractive to most people, personality starts to matter more than looks. If I can get good looking girls fairly easily, Im not gonna be all that concerned about the difference between an 8 and a 9, im gonna be concerned with if we share interests, can I talk for hours with this person, is she funny, is she emotionally stable, is she kind? Same for women. You might not see a hot woman with an ugly guy very often, but a smoking hot woman with a slightly above average guy? All the time.

Same goes for the guy with the deformed face that still managed to get a wife. It made the news yet normies still think thats how it can be for every incel. But they still make this claim.

Those claims are equally ridiculous. Both groups need to stop using obscure anecdotal evidence as blackpill/bluepill proof.

Most chad's can do it, but they don't because they rather have a LTR or anything else they want. They have this an option, but it's not even good enough to choose it lmao.

suicide fuel

I would gladly choose to die young of some disease if it meant I could live Chad's life for 5 years.

Fuck. Not even 5. 1 year would be fantastic.

Why even bother with life? This shit's too much. I'm struggling to get a single girl to like me and Chads like him can just get their pick of the girl whenever they want. Legal euthanasia should be a thing.

Legal euthanasia

I'm going to fly into Switzerland for that. Everyone should have the right to die.

They will turn you down unless you have a terminal illness. Source : I tried.

A bullet to the head will work then.

I don't understand why they don't do it for anyone.

Because they feel it will be abused by ppl which will put them under a lot of scrutiny.


Well I guess a gun is cheaper

why isn't being ugly a terminal illness

There's a european country--demark i believe--that allows for assisted suicide for any form of "unbearable suffering", including depression. So go there.

alot of girls are like sheep tbh.

Why are Europeans so degenerate?

Jewish intellectualism hegemony, the rejection of Christ.

the rejection of Christ

Since Jews existed before the whole "christ" mythology was invented, what's your actual excuse?

And do you have any documentation or sources for this assertion?

I rejected the bullshit concept of "christ" years ago. My life has only improved since releasing that toxic, mind-numbing, authoritarian bullshit.

The Hebrew man then is not what the Jew is today over 2000 years later. Most people we call Jews today are not actually Jews.

You’re unironically on an incel board champ, no one believes you that your life has improved dramatically.

I know you don't believe me. And that's ok with me. I'm non-incel Gen-Xer, and I pay attention to this forum mostly because it makes me laugh. But also because it's one more thing that I can talk about with my friends.

He's ugly.

he looks like a scumbag which is what women love

he more then likely looks better then you though ;)

some guy is gonna be drinking that bum's cum every time he kisses his wife

His face looks highT, but his body looks lowT. His body just needs breast implants to look like a VS model.

Life belongs to chad

Not a single normie in sight lmao.

Because this is super uninteresting. Who cares if some Greek god type of guy can sleep his way through Europe? Good for him.

It has everything to do with incels

Does it though? Seems to be more about some hot guy fucking his way through Europe

Yes, showing just how easy life is for the non-uggos

This is a subreddit about incels, showing how privileged Chad is is pretty important for proving our point to the normos

That's not privilege. That's him using his charm and charisma to have a unique adventure. And more power to him! LOL

Why hate on him? Is it because of envy (it can't be jealousy, because that's the fear of something being taken away from you, not lamenting that someone has something that you don't)? If you're envious, then do something else with your life besides watch TV and play video games. As it stands, you have no one to blame but yourself for your lack of options.

He was born attractive, that's a privilege. If any of us were in his position we'd never be able to do that solely because of genetics.

Then cultivate some other attractive quality. I don't look anything like him, but I've had similar adventures (not across Europe, but across the USA), and I'm not tall, not white, definitely not chad. But I'm charismatic, charming, and funny as hell. I'm also Generation-X, so I've had time to figure shit out. Even so, I was still able to have plenty of female company in my teens, 20s, 30s, and so on. Women love interesting men that are non-threatening (to them), but also make them feel safe. Can you be interesting, non-threatening, and make someone feel safe? You kind of have a bit of selflessness to do that. Can you muster that?

Then cultivate some other attractive quality.

There aren't any. Women judge men solely on genetic qualities.

I don't look anything like him, but I've had similar adventures (not across Europe, but across the USA), and I'm not tall, not white, definitely not chad.

Crazy how all you normies are somehow slaying so many women daily.

But I'm charismatic, charming, and funny as hell.

Me too.

I'm also Generation-X, so I've had time to figure shit out. Even so, I was still able to have plenty of female company in my teens, 20s, 30s, and so on. Women love interesting men that are non-threatening (to them), but also make them feel safe.

Weird that women choose to be with abusers when they want men who make them feel safe and nonthreating.

Can you be interesting, non-threatening, and make someone feel safe?

I have all those qualities, yes.

You kind of have a bit of selflessness to do that. Can you muster that?

Have done so my whole life. Next you're gonna tell me to shower more. Do you only think of the stereotype of a basement dweller when you talk to us?

Yeah I absolute love how these fucking normies all say they’re not attractive but they’re slaying. Who the fuck so you think your fooling?

Slaying is a strong word... we are all at higher or lower levels of scrapping. We all have to present desirable deals to women, which is a combination of looks, resources, power, personality, intelligence, humor, confidence. Then just wish that it is enough. Some of us have more to offer and get more lucky (AKA Chads), some less lucky (to the point of being incels). A majority are around the middle.

Bopoll my brother, don't waste your time arguing with "throwawaydrunkmonkey" he is a known normie here, and a failed troll. He is just saying nonsense to try and get us angry.

I will never understand an incel. I’m 5’2 and 125 lbs soaking wet. I have slept with a total of 8 women and had 2 serious long term relationships all without actively seeking a girlfriend. It just happened. When I was like 15 I had the incel mindset for about a year till I realized how stupid it was and once I stopped thinking like that and quit caring about how short I am life got a lot better. I guess what I lack in height I make up for in being an interesting person, of your very insecure about something the opposite see will pickup on that. Yes I have had girls straight up tell me that because I’m short they blah blah but who wants to be with someone who is like that anyways?

That's him using his charm and charisma to have a unique adventure

Oh my god I can't breathe

If he had a boatload of charisma he could have finagled his way into a better job than being a janitor.

Charisma and being able to charm and bullshit my way through many different types of conversations and crowds has taken me far in life. Hell, it's taken me all the way across the continent, and because of that, traveling to see some of the world.

They say that either you're born with charisma, or you're not. I don't know about that. I know that the circumstances of my life certainly improved when I adapted my charm and charisma. And that means far more than just getting laid. Getting laid is the easiest thing to do. Getting a job is harder.

Doing this woe-is-me, pity-me, & his-life-is-better-than-mine-so-I'll-just-sit-here-and-rot shit isn't going to get you anywhere. It's just going to make you more miserable and let you be more of a target of the kind of interaction that you don't like. But hey, it's your life and it's a (presumably) free country.

shut up troll.

Fuck you, punk ass.


You deserve neither from me. So you get my ass to kiss, punk ass piece of shit.

Damn you're so badass man

Imagine being this naive

This guy does what 99% can't, and suddenly he is an example of "how easy life is for the non-uggos". You guys are some serious masochists.

How about this for a suggestion: You are a 0/10, start focusing on what relevant 2/10 do instead of what irrelevant 10/10 does?

I didn't realize we were supposed to let the privileged be privileged and not critique society for it

Chad is busy sleeping with girls, he has no time to Google if people lowkey hate him online.

I can say that about literally any privileged class.

What I mean is, good luck with your beta uprising. What exactly are you planning to do about some people being good looking and some not? You're going to need a lot of acid or brainwashing or guns or surgery to even out the odds.




The post failed to mention the guys personality....

Attractive people do not have personalities.

Some of them do, it's just not necessary

I didn't see any mention of his position on feminism. I'm confused.

lol @ "chat". Just look at his fuckin dark brown prey eyes, like of some squirrel

Its so fucking over, why exist any longer?

Where is incel tears?

All over these comments. I see nothing but tears.

Change it to sub 7 and it's over? He's not 8/10, revise the meme lads

tfw you struggle to have a gf, spending money and sheeit

chad can travel all europe and having sex for free

Top guy, to be honest I’d say he’s slightly below Chadlite, I see guys who look like him on the daily in any British city

And these women will eventually become "respected businesswoman". And you must respect them because they're older or in a higher position in the company than you. Meanwhile they just spread their buttcheeks for Chads.

“Dating enthusiast”

Yeah that’s not dating that’s a hookup.

But that’s the world we live in where “dating” amounts to one night stands and looks are everything. Personality matters less than it ever has before.

Normies will deny this


It's so over just lol

Good looks really do dictate you entire life.

Chad style (as jocks or bros) is not popular at all in Europe, it is not classy or attractive for most women. They are mostly seen as unstylish tourists, like those who wear cargo pants and flip flops, or young white trash. The girls they get have the same style.

The reason he scored was that he was Chad lite, if he had been full jock-like Chad, he would have scored only the girls with similar aesthetics.

What lie? The man traveled around Europe. Girls opened their doors and other parts to him. He enjoyed himself. Case closed. I don't see the problem.

I used to have to travel around the country (USA) installing systems for the government. In every city I visited, I'd set up to meet someone from that city. It would usually go like this:

(knock on my hotel room door) "Hi! So glad to see you!"

"Hey, I'm glad to be here so we could finally meet. Let's get a bite to eat later, but come on in!"

And this happened in every city I visited. When I went to Los Angeles, I met a woman who was a porn actress. Got along great with her, so much that I really hit it off with her roommate (who was also a porn actress). That really was an amazing week.

BTW, I'm not a chad, and I'm not white. And it still worked for me.

Your mileage may vary.

Good thing I don't have to give a fuck what you want. Just like every woman you've ever tried to talk to.

Right. So I might swing by for a burger later if I’m hungry.