Gotta love traps!

42  2018-02-04 by oyveygoyimknow


Is it still rape if you tackle her but then only fuck yourself on the dildo?

Yes, because you are an ugly male in her sight.

Wow. A glimmer of hope. Only to realize it's OVER

if anything she became more attractive to some men and women

Trap lover here. Can confirm more likely to initiate surprise sex.

God, don’t call trans people traps

Why would that stop rape? Are they trying to imply that traps are gay?

that doesn't even look like an erect dick, where are the balls and why does it go straight up

Wouldn't those pants just highlight the curves of women which could possibly increase the likeliness of rape?

Yeah I'd still date her.

Traps hate you.

Ineffective against me.