You are just imagining things, women don't make fun of men's penis length! Also, below 6 inches is just fine too LUL

44  2018-02-04 by geneticSubhumanTrash


Size doesn't matter. Just how you use it.

Tee hee.

Whatevz if I got big C A W K she better have some tits and an ass.

I hear the iPhone 9 will be black.

BBC theory is real

All iPhones come with a black option

it will only come in black. thats what white roasties want

Literally its a joke. And you idiots take it to this.

Well, in that case posting roast beef sandwiches is also a joke. And yet y'all seem to get triggered by that. How come?

I don't think I take your meaning.

But why is it a joke? It's a joke because females actually think this. They dislike small penises and the men that have them and thus make jokes about small penises and the men that have them.

This was a joke about fragile masculinity, not particular people having small dicks.

And why is it 'fragile masculinity' (which is a retarded term, but we will go with it for now)? Because females have made fun of small penis having men to the point of them being objects to be ridiculed. Having a small penis is something men have to hide lest they be considered subhuman scum.

Not sure why it is a retarded term, did you see the original post that that tweet was in response to? Yeah there are some people out there who are dicks about small dicks, and fuck them. I have female friends who will attest that size isn't everything. And not just about how you use it either. Actual penetration is about 50% of sex, if you suck at the rest it doesn't matter much how big your dick is or how good you are with it.

But why is it a joke? It's a joke because females actually think this. They dislike small penises and the men that have them and thus make jokes about small penises and the men that have them.

God it would suck to be so clueless.

You make a much bigger deal about your small penis than any woman ever will.

Like fishet's a damn joke and you guys have a conniption fit over it.

Only two people here get it.


it was making fun of people who overstate their length, which was in response to an actually sexist and abusive comment.

and grimesms....

The joke mocks how some men would refer to their size as larger than it actually is. You are giving men a bad name here, and making them look really insecure.

Only an incel could turn it into a snowflake conniption fit over their own small dick and use it as fuel for their hatred of women.

Only an incel could turn it into a snowflake conniption fit over their own small dick and use it as fuel for their hatred of women.

Nope, not just us. Your buddies at inceltears have their fits when we say that pussies look like roast beef.

Your buddies at inceltears throw fits when we say that pussies look like roast beef.

Its not throwing fits. Its laughing at your idiocy.

Normies have made that comparison long before we were born and continue to do so.
The idea that the roast beef lips come from too much sex may be stupid, but it's otherwise accurate.

The idea that the roast beef lips come from too much sex may be stupid,

Obviously that's what I was referring to. Guys acting like they are experts on women yet failed anatomy.

Newsflash: Normies joke about pussies stretching too.

Newsflash: Normies don't sound clueless when telling these "jokes".

Fact: Only men have small penises.

Jokes don't exist in a vacuum. They're rooted in reality, or at least in real beliefs. You don't have to be a racist to tell "racist jokes," but those jokes are based on stereotypes that actual racists believe.

Yep, it's a joke. An implication that a small penis is something deseving of ridicule. An abusive sexist joke.

It wasn't implicating that at all, it was making fun of people who overstate their length, which was in response to an actually sexist and abusive comment.

making fun of people who overstate their length

Yep, exactly the implication that small size is laughable.

Not its making dun of people who feel the need to bolster their ego by saying they are larger than what they are when what they are is just fine.

Yep, which is motivated by the idea that small penises are laughable.

I really don't see where you are making that connection. 5 inches is the average i think so why is it laughable.

I really don't see where you are making that connection.

I didn't really expect a bigoted piece of shit like you to see it, so yeah.


Ahh yes, the name calling game

Yep. You should be familiar with it by now.

not really. This is the only sub I have found that has such toxicity and such a tendency to aggression so this is really the only place I get it. Though while we are at it, I would love to hear you explain how anything to do with penis size makes me a bigot.

Oh, so you're not used to it and it rustles your jimmies. Good.

rustled my jimmes


Where in the joke is the implication that 5.5" is too small? You could make the same joke without losing anything about a tablet, just replace "6" and "5.5" with "9" and "8.5" or something. No one would say those sizes are too small and the joke doesn't lose anything. That's because the joke was about men exaggerating their size.

Do you want an actual answer out of me or are you just another IT monkey here to fling your feces? Because in case of the latter, you'll have to prove you're an actual person, otherwise this conversation simply won't progress past me roasting you while you whine.

Wow you give yourself way too much credit.

For a second I that it was Kaitlyn Jenner

Seriously... The joke mocks how some men would refer to their size as larger than it actually is. You are giving men a bad name here, and making them look really insecure.

Lol the comeback tho

OP, I bet a woman has never even seen your penis, let alone mocked it

What exactly is your point faggot.

You’re saying faggot like its an insult, when faggots are still getting more ass than you.

tee hee, incels don't have sex, i'm so clever for pointing that out