Hey you pathetic losers, I have a message for you

82  2018-02-03 by samosacel

My friend was a 48 year old 5'2" Indian guy and he had trouble finding a woman who wanted to be with him. Do you think he just sat around and complained about it all day? Fuck no. He lifted, showered, and improved himself and now he's a tall handsome blonde 20 year old and can get any girl he wants.


Thanks dude, you give me hope that I will get there one day.

anyone have the original?

for that to happen you have to take responsibility for yourself! incels refuse to do that and blame everything on women!!

wow...i'll just keep waiting 30 years.....thanks.

if somebody makes a post on it...it's definitely true right????
Nobody would make something up on here...right?
Reddit checks for proof before letting the post go through......right?!

reminder that whenever you get "advice" from someone here- its most likely from a drooling retard like this

It's *literally** a joke*

Do you not understand what a joke is?


You should try having one sometime. Life is only worth living if you can have a laugh once in a while.

Inceltears actually think this is serious.

80% upvoted

lmao, they don't even read what we're saying.

lmao, they don't even read what we're saying.

Goddamn. So they basically just read the superior tone of the title and immediately upvoted. Just lol.

lol indeed. Bunch of pretentious fucks.

No, it’s clearly sarcastic, until the end, when the ultimate, not sarcastic point is made. Incel tears is making fun of incels for thinking that you need to be tall, blonde, handsome, and 20 to land a girl.

Do you understand how incel tears works?

inceltears is a place for people who unhappy their lives. They just like making fun of peoples suffering, they are sadistic and they do this so they can feel better about their lives.

No, it’s mostly feminists calling out incels for their anti-feminist sentiment.

Feminism is a hate movement which seeks to exterminate all brown ugly males.

Oh shit he's on to us

You know it is the truth. Women are scum that want to repeat the holodomor.

Actually I didn't know that. It's a bit of a shock, really

Women are pure evil. We need segregation right now.

I don't know about that dude. I quite like women. I would miss them.

You won't miss them. They are the source of all evil in this world.

Um I'm pretty sure I would miss women. My mum, my girlfriend, my best friend. These are all people I would miss, weirdly. Maybe you should make some female friends? It might give some perspective

Women are evil and scum. The world would be a nice place if they were gone. Women are responsible for all evils in this world.

I mean that's a fairly big statement, don't you think?

But we don’t tho

Lol you guys are delusional. You guys seek our destruction.

I’m actually very attracted to Indian men (and middle eastern men in general)

Post a picture of yourself then.

Hi, I'm a bot for linking direct images of albums with only 1 image


Source | Why? | Creator | ignoreme | deletthis

You are like twice my age. You are 43 years old.

I’m old. That’s fine. But I’m not 43 though lol.

If you are ~21.... you have no reason to be incel.

It over for me, if you are older than 20 and a virgin then you are finished.

Well, no. If you are over 35, maybe.

Most of the 18-22 year olds I dated in my twenties look completely different 10-14 years later. Some look more fuckable, some less fuckable. Admittedly, some look completely unfuckable now. But they are all 30+ at this point.

Lol at this cope. The only thing that changed was the wallet. That is what makes them sexy to you.

You realize you’ve gone from saying that women aren’t attracted to brown guys to saying they aren’t attracted to poor guys. Make up your mind.

You are middle aged, you are looking for someone to provide for you.

I’m not middle aged. I can provide for myself, lol.

Ok whatever you say. You are looking for a provider.

But again, I’m not.

That is why you want a brown male, because they make good money on average.

Do you see why she stopped replying to you? Please get a hold of reality and stop trying to refute every piece of proof that there is no reason for you to be the way you are.

You cannot deny that I look like a hideous beast.


I do not post pics because I will get doxxed.

Then I can't confirm or deny that you look bad by my standards (because attraction is SUBjective), so stop complaining until you can post a pic or better yourself

I guarantee you I am very ugly. I scare black people on the bus. That is how ugly I am.

Then fix yourself. Complaining on the internet is not going to help. This is a toxic place, dude

Then kill you self if it’s that bad.

I'd fuck you. I'm not indian or brown though.

Right, but, according to incels I’m a 3, 4 max, which are ranks that are regarded as essentially unfuckable.

Like half of the incels aren't really incels, they're volcels who won't lower their standards.

This is so true.

Have you actually messaged any of these guys expressing interest in them?



They aren’t pleasant people

You said all your exes were assholes in your posting history. Are incels not assholes "in the attractive masculine confident and secure high self-worth" way? Is that why you don't private message them, expressing interest in them?

There are different things that make someone an asshole, as you are pointing out. The qualities that I’m inadvertently drawn to that make someone an asshole are typically: roasting/ribbing/tasteful negging and ignoring me. The roasting portion is something I consider funny. The ignoring establishes that they are independent and aren’t needy.

The non assholish guys tend to be passive, agreeable, and not confident. How is your partner supposed to feel if he realizes you're only with him because he wasn't that good of a person and thinks of himself as above you? Maybe its' part of the reason why you're drawn to incels, because they are misogynists and think men are better than women. You want to validate your preference for more confident misogynists by attacking who you perceive to be easy targets in weak and unconfident misogynists (incels).

Going off your responses ITT you're a reasonable person. Excuse the inevitable tone of this question, but why do you feel it's okay to come to the single place we have to ourselves and essentially harass us? I see that as being on par with walking through someone's front door, sitting down at the dinner table and refusing to leave. Even if you disagree with what we're saying, it still seems like an obviously not-okay thing to do.

I'm not the person you were responding to, but I'm a girl on this subreddit. My intention isn't to come here to harass you, but to disprove some of the incorrect and concerning views some people have here about women. Why do I even care? Well...

I had a friend who, I didn't know at the time, but was incel and he had a lot of hatred and anger. We aren't friends anymore (his hatred became so great he told me after several years of friendship he didn't need/want me in his life anymore). I don't know how his life is now, but he hadn't been happy in a long time last I spoke to him, and it made me really sad. There was nothing I could say to make him hate any less, but fighting the hatred you encounter with your own hatred is never going to equate to love...that's my opinion.

The thing is, a lot of the people who are unhappy here, don't have to be so unhappy in my opinion. But staying on this subreddit and ONLY hearing misogynistic echoes will not bring anyone closer to the success and love they are craving, because it fundamentally is the reason a lot of people here are alone. Some of the posts I've read are legitimately terrifying, and it wouldn't matter if the dude was Johnny Depp - no amount of looks could make up for the ugliness that hatred breeds. I've never disliked someone for "being brown" (and have been attracted to several coloured people), but the moment you generalize my entire gender based on a stereotype (even using the concept of Stacies and Chads is bullying in its own way)... it makes me feel bad. I know this entire subreddit is about how other people have made you feel bad, so why do you want to create that pain for someone else? Why would you not try to find a way to ease it instead?

Basically, I think a lot of the hatred here is unnecessary and in general, everyone could be happier if they tried to find a different way. This mindset is not healthy or happy, you know? Why do you want to wallow in it? That is what I want to understand, ultimately, I suppose. Perhaps there is no way for me to help anyone, but I'd like to find out.

This mindset is not happy or healthy, you know?

Neither is constant social rejection and ostracism, which breeds the mindset.

Why do you want to wallow in it? Lots of incels I encounter have tried doing something other than wallowing (the list of self-improvement shit is endless), and it amounted to nothing for them. I don't think they want to keep wallowing, they're stuck in it because their life experiences provide no counter examples.

I don't think social rejection or ostracism is okay either, none of it is good. Assholes, however, there's nothing you can do usually to convince them they are assholes. They're narcissists who see nothing wrong with their behaviour most of the time. You can't convince them they're wrong. The best you can do if you actually want to change society is to convince everyone else who's on the fence but dazed by the charisma. I just don't think that's going to happen the way the incel community is currently interacting with the world.

I imagine some people here though are just really fed up and frustrated. I'm not talking about the people who are actively trying to better themselves, but the people who would just rather say all women are superficial bitches and that's that. Life is not so black and white, and I'm sorry to anyone who did encounter bitchy rejections, but those girls don't speak for all of us and you don't have to hate all of us either.

And yet incels are constantly generalized as guys who hate women by people who aren't assholes, when it's more often than not frustration at only getting rejected and almost never being shown something other than contempt. Why do you think they're so hostile in the first place? This is the place they carved for themselves where they get to vent, and suddenly people waltz in here telling strangers what their problems are. Then there's IT, which can honestly go eat a dick for fueling the fire deliberately.

Imagine if you had barely ever seen the good side of the men in your life (basically with only one or two exceptions). What reason would you have for believing otherwise, since your experience provides no real counter. Sure, it's not justified, but if I were to think back at how the same things happened to me, I kind of get it, even if I don't agree. Lots of these guys have had barely any positive experiences with the women they meet in their lives. I'd argue that they have no reason outside of the anecdotes of others (which, lets be frank, don't do a lot because no experience is the same) to at the very least not be cautious when it comes to them.

Venting is one thing, but the kind of things that some people say here are literally the kind of things Elliot Rodger used to say. Having that much anger and hatred for people, then constantly having that hatred validated and validating that hatred for others, with no interaction with anyone outside of that hatred ... do you see how that could be worrisome, where that could possibly lead for someone who's really struggling at a low point? People say that if Elliot had just one actual friend/support, maybe things wouldn't have gotten as bad as they did. If that's the case, then I very much do not want there to be people who never hear that there are good people out there...because there are.

They probably aren't on IT, but they're out there.

And I hadn't seen the good side of men for the first 22 years of my life. I'm still engaged to one now, though. I doubt you want to hear that story, but having nothing but bad experiences early in life does not mean you aren't going to find happiness later. I can understand being set on something when your life has no counter experience, but, well, I guess that's my entire point in being here. Here I am, a girl, hopefully not being a shitty, mean asshole, just trying to talk to some people I don't understand and maybe give them something to think about. I've certainly gained some things to think about, but it's mostly just saddening.

ER is a weird example tbh because he's one of those who didn't try in the first place (read his manifesto if you can handle the insanity, he seriously didn't), as well as having obvious mental issues (most notably his narcissicism and other anti-social traits) outside of loneliness-induced depression.

Again, the hatred is a manifestation of their life experiences, and as long as those don't fundamentally change, arguing against the bullshit achieves nothing imo.

The issue comes from the fact that folks like you are so far and few between when compared to the sheer amount of people who only mock and dismiss. Incels already barely have reason to trust people from the outside in the first place.

Good on you for trying I suppose, but this thing has been dead in the water for a while now thanks to the toxic spiral of incels and normies constantly being asshats to each other.

I've read bits of his manifesto and watched some of his videos. Disturbing stuff but I feel bad for everyone involved, including him. It didn't have to happen - it doesn't have to happen again. But... nothing ever changed in the world by people resigning themselves to their miseries. Africans fought to end apartheid, women fought for their right to vote, gays fought for their right to marry. All those rejected parts of society, they didn't just give up...they had to fight for acceptance. That's how progress is made in society, unfortunately. But progress can be made. Humans made up the rules. Humans can break them and change them, too.

nothing ever changed in the world by people resigning themselves to their miseries

I admire your optimism, but given my experience as an ugly man in this world, I don't think anyone who doesn't experience life as an ugly person is going to be supportive in our quest to be treated like people and not repulsive sacks of meat to be avoided. Every time an unattractive person complains about their problems, they get told to deal with it because life isn't fair and everyone has problems. People aren't supportive of ugly people in general, and why would they be? We're just the lower end of the bell curve and that's that, only a fundamental dismantling of what people consider to be attractive could change that. Who would we be to do such a thing though, people are entitled to their opinions.

Bottom line: The plight of the unattractive isn't comparable to issues concerning rights (human or otherwise), it's an issue concerning general perceptions and how people treat others, and one that I don't think can be adressed in a satisfactory manner without disregarding the right of people to have opinions and preferences.

Would you like a different perspective from someone who isn't quite incel?

Sure, I'm here for perspectives.

Do you think men and women are different?

I took some time to mull this over, because it's hard to answer. Men and women are different in many ways, but similar in others.

There are genetic factors at play to consider, but I think your state of mind is mostly influenced by nurturing. People are a sum of their experiences - an amalgam of all the defense mechanisms they've developed throughout their lives in response to their environment. People who are never shown cruelty do not grow up to be cruel - people who have never known trust do not grow up to be trusting - etc.

People who have never known love do not grow up to be loving, and I fear that is the case of incels (of either gender).

Whether male or female, people want to be loved. People want to be accepted, admired, and desired. Why? It fucking feels good. It validates your existence. In a world where one individual life is often meaningless, it means something to a lot of people, to be wanted.

Even if nothing else is going right in my life, at least X person thinks I'm worth a damn.

But both men and women feel this way. Despite this, society has ignored these feelings for quite some time.

Historically, marriages were not often based on love. Marriages were based on convenience or barter. Alliances were made because children were married off. Lives were currency. In many parts of the world, they still are. While arranged marriages like this can end up working for some people, for others, it condemns both parties to a life of discontent - a wife, raped for the rest of her life by a husband she does not love - a husband, angrily taking the woman he "has" because she does not actively want him.

Men always felt love - or, at least, attraction. Men often got to choose their wives for that exact reason. Women often didn't get a say - their feelings did not matter in the grand course of their lives, because historically, men have always been higher than women in the societal pyramid.

If you consider the past 100 years or so, women have been steadily gaining equal rights in business and society. The reason for that is because men - physically stronger sex - have been forced to accept that mentally, women have a lot to offer. Our society is no longer dictated by strength alone; once upon a time, leadership was earned through strength and slaughter, but brute strength alone is not enough to rule the world - and where intellect is involved, women are equally capable.

Despite this, many men are living in the echoes of the past - feeling that they are entitled to a woman - to a person, a human being with just as many thoughts, feelings, preferences, and demons as any man. It wasn't common for a man to have to 'earn' a woman's companionship pre-20th century North American culture. He could 'purchase' her through his name, financial stability, etc.

Today, women get a chance to choose, the same as any man - because we have now intellectually progressed to the point where we're mostly in acceptance that women do, in fact, have a very capable brains. Very capable of pain, guilt, desire, love, anger -

Anxiety, depression, autism, attention deficit, dyslexia -

Insert your poison, but these are all issues both men and women struggle with equally.

Equality seems to be a problem for a lot of men. My worry is that people are staying stuck in the mindset that men are "above" or worth more than women - that they look at women having a sexual or romantic preference as something they do not deserve.

Women have not had this option at any point in history until this century. Even 20-30 years ago, women in North America were pressured into shitty marriages. It's only these past couple of decades that women being so 'picky' has become a 'problem' - and the reason is?

We finally have a choice.

I haven't read a single comment in this subreddit that didn't immediately make every sexual part of me shudder. It's not because of how you look. I don't know how you look. It's because people here have no idea how to treat me as an equal - and because of how sickeningly blatant it is that the people here do not even want to.

The reality of today's society is that women, despite always having had the intellectual capability, are only now being recognized it. As a result, they are gaining confidence in their ability to have desires and needs.

It is extremely unattractive when someone tries to strip their right to those desires and needs away. A guy who only wants a sweet, pure, innocent girl - those girls only ever existed because they were afraid of what would happen to them if they acted on their dirty, impulsive desires.

Women have filthy, disgusting, dirty thoughts and fantasies the same way men do. It's just that we've been silenced by centuries of societal sexual sterility. As far back as 1900 BC women have expressed some form of "female hysteria", which is the hack term for "woman get horny too". Instead of being pleasured by their husbands (who would waste time doing no such thing), they were sent to doctors to 'deal' with them.

Women who took control of their own sexuality before the world was ready for it were shunned, labelled as whores and sluts.

Woman who are taking control of their own sexuality now are still being called those words - but men aren't. It's always been okay for men to pursue their sexual desires - but it's always been a shameful thing for women to do.

Despite having no control over their sex lives, there has always been an expectation on women to maintain a certain physique. Some chicks have no problem having a 9/10 bod with little work but others have to spend an intense amount of time dedicated to that pursuit in order to maintain it. It's based on metabolism, wealth, societal pressures, among a number of other things I cannot begin to understand because I've never been compelled to be a 10. Even if you have the face for it, it involves intense control over your daily diet and exercise regime. You know what I say? I only get 80 or 90 years on this planet, if I'm lucky. I'm going to spend it enjoying the things I want to ... not playing "wifey" to a man who doesn't understand or even satisfy me.

That has been the fate of too many women in our history. If there are men who suffer now, because women have decided to rebel against this - I'm not happy for it, but I am that women are choosing more for themselves.

Both men and women want to be wanted. That's a human thing. They want to be cuddled. They want to be loved. They want to be appreciated, respected, celebrated.

For a long time, men have been treated this way because refusal meant death, or possibly worse - the rejection of a harsh and unforgiving society. That might condemn one to a life of prostitution or destitution. Fortune belonged to man - as a woman, there was often no other way for them to survive but to "play wife" to someone.

This is the world our forefathers created. Women have developed from a society that diminished them entirely, to a society that only acknowledges them a percentage of the time. Yet still, men argue, because with what little freedom we have now, we choose not to be penetrated by dicks that mean nothings to us - that provide nothing for us - that do not even give us pleasure?

Last point, I swear: Pleasure. Many experiments have been done to support the idea that while the male orgasm is intense, and 'lights up' many parts of the brain, the female orgasm is far more physiologically involved. Downside is, it's more difficult to achieve. Men are biologically programmed to be easily stimulated (so reproductive fluid is easily spread). Women are biologically programmed to be difficult to stimulate (and therefore are more particular about their sexual partners) because without legitimate skill/emotional attachment, physical attraction is the next biggest thing in a woman's ability to enjoy a sexual encounter - a right that women only now have the ability to exercise.

So...if you hardly know a woman, don't have any idea how to treat one, and offer no attributes that attract her,

why are you surprised when she rejects you?

No one who ever landed a relationship or marriage through legitimate, long-lasting affection, did so through being an unskilled and pessimistic asshole. Those are the qualities that prevent you from finding a partner - male or female.

I honestly believe if people here knew how to speak to the people they approached, this subreddit wouldn't exist.

The entire reason it does is because the people here cannot or will not do that (speak to women appropriately). They either self-sabotage with assumptions of how a woman should be, or pursue someone who is extremely self assured while they clearly are not themselves - it shows and it's not attractive.

I'm not saying all guys need to be wealthy and have their shit 100% figured out in order to pursue someone, but you have to have at least something figured out. What do you hope to do with yourself if you just cling to someone else's self-discovery? Find your own drive and happiness, your own reason for existing - find a way to make that existence fit within someone else's. That's true success in "love". Finding someone who's life fits with yours, who enriches your life - whose life is enriched by knowing you.

Of course that's not easy. But that's what actual love is - and you will never find a more successful or fulfilling relationship than that.

It's been... almost 5 years now for my fiance and I, after several failed relationships on both our parts before getting together. We wrote this post together, and both agree -

Men and women have differences, but they do not exist for one to overcome or own the other. The world is made to be in balance - that is humanity.

But to be quite honest, if you guys were even 10% open to actually listening to the 'normies' that post here,

you wouldn't have a reason to post here anymore.

At what age is the wallowing acceptable, though? The person I had been responding to in this thread is 20.

What does age have to do with this?

Because at 20 you’ve barely experienced anything at all.

That's rather dismissive of peoples experiences.

Yes and no.

We aren’t talking about someone’s outlook on life because they were abandoned by their bio parents, survived being beaten and molested by their foster parents, only to nearly die to cancer.

We are talking about dudes feeling unattractive because they are constantly rejected. If you are 20, you’ve only been experiencing this for years. Not even a decade. You also aren’t done “growing” yet, in a sense. Like I pointed out in a separate reply, all of the guys I dated that were 18-22 (when I was also young) look very different 10-14 years later. Some are better looking than when I dated them and some are completely unfuckable (if going in the incel mindset that only looks matter).

That doesn't change anything though, shitty years of rejection are still shitty years of rejection.

You're telling them of the magically moving goal post of "some day", when they might be attractive enough to someone not to get rejected while also being dismissive of their experience because of an arbitrary number (I.e. You need to be ___ years old to be allowed to complain about stuff). I don't see what you want to achieve with this.

I’ll stand by that idea that you need to experience more than a few years of rejection before you become so bitter that you unreasonably and illogically hate all women.

So peoples entire lives in most cases are "a few years".


Keep arguing outliers and extremes. It really helps your case.

Keep arguing outliers and extremes

On a sub for the outliers of society, yes, it does actually help my case because we're already in the extremes by talking about the situation incels are in (because need I remind you, most people aren't constantly rejected for years upon years, which is why "normies" can shrug off rejections, they have counterexamples to prove that they aren't completely undesireable).

Your intention may not be to harass but your behavior is having that effect. What we want is to speak to other people who share our life experience and de-stress. That's where the jokes and memes and venting come in. WRT mental health, this community is beneficial in my opinion because a person begins to feel insane when they're surrounded by others who deny their feelings and perception of the world.

I know this entire subreddit is about how other people have made you feel bad, so why do you want to create that pain for someone else?
We have a right to speak among ourselves about our feelings, some of which are going to be upsetting to women. This is why we don't advocate for our worldview outside of our own communities, in addition to being pointless it would hurt decent people and that's a shitty thing to do. It's what you're doing when you come here and try to debate us on the validity of our personal experiences and the conclusions we've drawn from them.

If you want to understand us, observe us.

So...you literally aren't interested in talking to anyone outside of yourselves? Isn't that just bound to become a self-fulfilling prophecy, I mean, logically? I get that you've had shitty experiences, but even if some genuinely nice girl comes along and tries to chat you guys up, your response is just to shit on them for it? Isn't that the entire point of the sub, that that shit "doesn't happen"? It's happening right now and I haven't interacted with a single 'incel' here who hasn't automatically treated me like garbage.

I don't feel like it's true that you don't argue your worldview outside of your community. I only know incels even exist because since the subreddit got banned, people have been posting on other subreddits I follow talking about their ideas instead. Maybe you think it's pointless and a shitty thing to do, but there are clearly many incels who don't. Those are the kinds of people I am trying to understand.

I'm not saying you haven't had shitty experiences or that your feelings aren't valid. None of my posts have said anything like that. I'm one of the last people in the world who would invalidate someone else's shitty experience. How you feel about something, you can't change. All you can do is control how you react to your feelings, what you actually do about it. I feel like developing a hatred of all women, literally talking about them like they aren't even people, is not a positive or beneficial way to deal with those negative feelings.

So...you literally aren't interested in talking to anyone outside of yourselves?

I like speaking to many people about nearly everything under the sun, though on the topic of inceldom specifically I don't like to talk to anyone who isn't an incel. I've put much more thought and research into the topic than anyone who isn't an incel, in addition to having a lifetime of experience being a social outcast, and so when I enter a conversation about inceldom with a normie I'm in the position of a political scientist on a bar stool being roped into a conversation about the upcoming election with a random drunk. The information can only flow in one direction and they're probably going to be argumentative and I know before we begin talking that they aren't going to say anything I haven't already heard.
I don't say that to be offensive, it it what it is.

Well, here is something you haven't heard before, because it's my story to tell.

I'm pretty sure I dated a former incel. We became friends when he was 20 or 21, I think. After he figured we were just going to be friends, he opened up about how it hurt him to see how friends having girlfriends/sexual experiences, knowing he'd be a virgin forever. He said knowing he'd never get to experience it himself made him feel subhuman. He called himself ugly (acne/bacne, disproportionately large teeth/nose, chronic sinusitis so he was always congested and having to clear his nose) but I just didn't care about those things because I started to like the person he was. He was funny, a great D&D GM, and we were into the exact same music/tv/movies. And as we got closer I became more and more attracted to him and began to see his features differently. In the end I took his virginity and we dated for 10 months.

So if that could happen for him, could it not happen to someone here? Attraction is subjective, and it can change over time. And, I didn't even want the relationship to end - he ended it. So not being conventionally "beautiful" doesn't necessarily mean you can't be desirable to someone. That's not an argument...it's my truth, personally. Anyway, I'm not trying to poke the politician, I'm just saying...

It's a big world. There are a lot of stories out there you haven't heard.

I JUST told you in my previous comment that I've spent decades learning about attraction and you're trying to enlighten me by letting me know that some females build attraction slowly and on the basis of traits which aren't immediately apparent? Obviously I know that. Can't you JUST defer to my superior knowledge? Can you JUST admit that I'm a human being with just as much capacity for learning from my environment as you are, and that our environments differ, and that makes me a comparative expert on my own environment, a place unfamiliar to yourself? FUCK

It's not obvious that you know that; otherwise I wouldn't have said it. I haven't said that you aren't a human being just as capable of learning from your environment. Those are words you're putting in my mouth, so it doesn't make for a very strong insult or argument. I think what's more obvious is that of course I can't know your environment, you're a stranger on the internet. Why do you have a need to put me down as opposed to even talking to me like an equal?

For all your evidence that you or anyone will never experience intimacy, can you consider yourself an expert, really, if you disregard evidence just because it is evidence of the contrary?

Because even if I help one incel shift their mentality, I’m fine with it.

Though I get defensive at times and borderline offensive during said times, I’m not sure I’d call it harassment. I’m typically responding... reasonably or logically.

And just to clarify what I mean by help (above), I don’t mean specifically being anti-woman. I mean helping them realize they should still have hope, or should still try. Typically, losing their woman-hating quality is a bi-product that I admittedly welcome openly.

Because even if I help one incel shift their mentality, I’m fine with it.

But your 'help' is distressing to people who come here to be among their own kind and have their feelings validated. It's bothersome and upsetting to be told that your perception of the world is wrong, not just every time you step outside but also in the single space that should cater to you and your peers. People aren't drawn to these subs, they flee to them because the external world is so hostile to men in our position. By coming here and constantly casting doubt on our feelings, you turn an accepting and relaxing place into just another space hostile to lonely men who have the self-respect not to blame themselves for their issues.

Additionally, it's incredibly rude to believe you have a better grasp on our problems than we do. What does it say of your regard for us when you actually believe that we've never considered the obvious reality that not all women are nasty, or that perhaps we should start taking regular showers?

Normieposters make me feel insane. Leave us alone.

Normieposters make me feel insane. Leave us alone.

It is incredible that they the OG sub got banned and these assholes still won't leave us be.

You don't have a place to yourselves if anyone can come on here and comment. It's nothing like that. You went to the park with your friends and now you're upset that other people also go to parks.

Nothing wrong with being anti-feminist, considering it's a bigoted, misandrist movement that seeks to destabilize society and place women in a position of superiority, with absolutely all of the responsibility falling on men.

No. There is a small amount and of extreme feminists, I forget what they are called. It’s a specific name. Uhh.. anyway. Traditional feminism, the most common feminism, is just that we want equality.

Found the feminist

Congrats, considering I say that I’m feminist in the post.

Yeah exactly, found the feminist

I wasn’t hiding

You don't have to be hidden to be found


No, 1st and 2nd wave feminism sought to achieve equality for women
And in the west, they have it.
It's much more accurate to say that third wave feminism is for superiority. Whether you personally adopt the title under that meaning or not, it's what the figure heads seem to fight for.

Do you not see the oxymoron in a bias by name movement being for equality?
Or the redundancy given x amount of other movements such as egalitarianism that don't have the stigma surrounding feminism, and have always been for equality, as opposed to equality for women, which is quite literally the definition of feminism.


ayyy samosa-eating currycel?

Thx for giving me hope brother.... i was about to give up and commit suicide.

Lol normies actually upvoted this hahahaha

Or incels upvoted it because they understand what it is saying?

Incels are outnumbered in this sub 95 to 5 by normans and roasties. The fact that it can be upvoted this much means even normies are getting blackpilled.

The content is meant to be satire in nature.

It manages to simultaneously rip on incels and anti-incels.

If you can’t appreciate that (like, in upboats), the internet probably isn’t for you.

This was a comment made by an incel on the old incels site. It was turned into an AutoMod comment that would get triggered every time the words "improve yourself" showed up.

That’s pretty cool, tbh.


“48 year Indian guy turned into a 20 year old blonde”. Beauty of plastic surgery

So all you have to do is be 50?

No. There is a small amount and of extreme feminists, I forget what they are called. It’s a specific name. Uhh.. anyway. Traditional feminism, the most common feminism, is just that we want equality.

You won't miss them. They are the source of all evil in this world.

What does age have to do with this?

I mean that's a fairly big statement, don't you think?

Yes and no.

We aren’t talking about someone’s outlook on life because they were abandoned by their bio parents, survived being beaten and molested by their foster parents, only to nearly die to cancer.

We are talking about dudes feeling unattractive because they are constantly rejected. If you are 20, you’ve only been experiencing this for years. Not even a decade. You also aren’t done “growing” yet, in a sense. Like I pointed out in a separate reply, all of the guys I dated that were 18-22 (when I was also young) look very different 10-14 years later. Some are better looking than when I dated them and some are completely unfuckable (if going in the incel mindset that only looks matter).