A productive day for an incel tears poster

52  2018-02-03 by Zangano1


It is a subreddit though , it is meant to be the opposite of productive.

Fuck off


Wow , nice mature comment there

This coming from mister:

Lol who doesn't she'd tears of joy when incels commit suicide? Less depression and creepiness in the world!

Edgelords gonna edge, there's a never-ending stream of them from /r/incelsindenial. It's best to just downvote those types and move on.

holy shit lmao

Such a mature and measured answer to a joke that was in response to a joke.

My friend was a 48 year old 5'2" Indian guy and he had trouble finding a woman who wanted to be with him. Do you think he just sat around and complained about it all day? Fuck no. He lifted, showered, and improved himself and now he's a tall handsome blonde 20 year old and can get any girl he wants.

Cucks still cant counter this

Because they're too busy getting euphoric over how 'adviseful' this copy pasta sounds.

Wouldn't be surprised if people only paid attention to the first two sentences and moved on.

That's a classic.

Comedy gold!

This is the best fucking copypasta ever. And I love it how much it triggers normies with their muh just world bullshit.

I'm keeping this one.


The men there don't respect women. They pretend to so they can get laid. Women don't respect each other either. How can they? They all know how women think and they understand how truly disgusting they are.

How do you get minus karma XD

Its okay to be gay.

the memes are back




r/braincels more like r/lackofbraincels amirite

I 2 respek whamen

Didn't know pewdiepie is in the subreddit too

You should try respecting your common human beings 24/7, indeed.

Is his really a foreign or ridiculous concept?

Man, I can't decide whether this sub is brilliant satire or a pity-inducing monument to a lack of self-awareness.

I can't tell if brigading is against the rules of Reddit or not when shit like your comment and the parent one are allowed.

You're right. The comment was in very poor taste, and I apologize. I'll delete it right away, unless you'd rather I left it up as evidence of a moment that I'm not proud of. Let me know.

How about you kys? Fucking mangina trash

Reddit, no. This sub, yes.

♪ ♩Iiiiitts a jooookkke... Ding! ♪♩

♩♪ iiiiits a jooookkkkke ♩♪

There's a big difference between respecting women and putting women on a pedestal.

I'm not trying to be condescending, but I notice that some guys tend to think that treating women like their queen (m'ladying, if you will) is the way to her heart. It's actually off-putting and counterproductive.

Just treat her like a person and respect her. If she doesn't say yes, don't sweat it. Even the best looking dudes don't have a 100% success rate.

respecting others doesn't matter, they must respect females at all costs


For me it’s 24/7: Fuck Chad