leaked photo of r/inceltears meetup

76  2018-01-31 by muricunt


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/r/inceltears: IncelTears is a watchdog subreddit for folks to submit screenshots of self-described Incels (involuntary celibates) saying awful stuff in their clueless quest to blame everyone but themselves for their single status.

This isn't a place to hate on people just because they're virgins. This is a place to post and laugh or cringe at the crazy, bizarre, and hateful stuff Incels say.

Occasional meta/discussion posts are also welcome. Note that we do not have a Discord or a Facebook page.

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If IncelTears is a watch dog group, the Bloods and Crips are African American cultural groups.

yea just a watchdog group tehehehe xd

LMAO they actually call themselves a watchdog, Jesus Christ

It's the only way blue haired hamplanets and numale soyboys feel relevant.

Can someone translate this for someone who has friends and gets laid sometimes?

Cucked Bot

they're a hate sub, get it right. They exist solely to bully the last socially acceptable group of people you can make fun of.

The Nazis are a Jewish watchdog group then if cucktears is one.

cope as fuck

Exposed losers


Probably the only tip the waitress saw that night

wat. Incelqueers men hand any money they have to the nearest female, on the hour, every hour.

Is that literally the stereotype of the incel right there...

Aren't you the one who has a "wife" that is ashamed of you that she hasn't even told her parents or any direct family about your existence?

No. Incels are just desperate to rationalize anything away by spinning any story even if it doesn't make any sense.

Incels try to avoid becoming neckbeads, but they are still subhuman. Cucktears are incels in denial.

"Incels try to avoid becoming neckbeards"

As a fellow neckbeard, you fucking failed.

How would they be Incels in denial? Wouldn't that be at best volcel?

Don't bother questioning their logic, they will start backtracking like crazy

No. They couldn’t get a gf if they wanted to. They just pretend to be normies. It’s a huge cope.

Sound like you're coping dude.

Fuck off cucktear.

Do you need someone to kiss the booboo? XD

If they are having sex, how can they be incels?

They’re not. That’s the point.

A lot of them are.


How are you so sure they aren't having sex?

They’re not normies.

That doesn't mean anything though.. Just because you guys have some made up dictionary doesn't make it true, you know?

Lol shut up kid.

Haha, great comeback, you destroyed his point! XD

They spend 8 hours a day on an incel subreddit. Go figure.

Life experience, something which you don’t have much of, kid.

Lol. no

A lot of them are.

Just fucking lol. You copecels aren't fooling anyone. You guys spend more time on /r/incels than anyone else.


There’s your problem

This is a case of incels applying the incel stereotype to everyone else in the world including Chads

There’s no Chads in that group bud.

There actually are. You guys are just in denial and want to believe that the only people against your BS are SJWs because you seem to be fine with incelism becoming yet another artificial political construct.

No, because incels have self-awareness. We know that women consider us too ugly, so the enlightened ones do not even bother to approach women like fedorable niceguys do.

Fedorable nice guys are still incel though. I think you're implying that all incels are black pillers and that's a stereotype that a lot of incels even me for conflating.

Apparently incels are just people who can't seem to get laid.

By in large in popular parlance incel and black pill radical conservatism are one in the same, but a lot of incels are resistant to that.

Hahaha self-awareness

Get out, fattie.


the only difference between an incel and an inceltear is that neither gets laid, but an inceltear thinks he will if he white knights more.

You might want to explain that to all the married men and women with kids in inceltears.

Inceltears posters are betabucks sexless cucks who jerk off to porn every time their wife goes to the bathroom to take a shit while wearing furry slippers and stained sweatpants.

They go on incel forums looking to bully incels via projection. They think that if they bully guys who are not married, they feel as if their sexless marriage to a woman who spends 70% of their beta husbands' disposable income on online shopping is worth it, compared to lonely incels.

Dead bedroom males are the majority of inceltear posters, while the rest are single poorly dressed fedora cucks who think that one day it will be their turn if they let people see they are bullying incels, and the remainder are unhappily married women who get turned on by the thought of Chad fucking them while incel men are forced to watch.

Wow... Just.. wow.

No, because incels have self-awareness.

Too many layers of irony, please stop now

no, incels are incel because of being dealt a bad hand of DNA (ugly, short, subhuman features, etc) not because they don't try to improve themselves. If you don't understand this by now, its time for you to GTFO this sub.

Naw. Otherwise you wouldn't be so hostile toward your looks matched peers when they aren't incel.

Every time a sun 8 or even a sub 5 comes around who isn't an incel all you do is try to convince all other incels that his SO must be exploiting him and will eventually cuck him.

Sub-5 who has a decent gf/wife due to money is not a real relationship, its indentured prostitution. And they will be cucked for sure.

You're free to leave instead of wasting hours of your life replying in every thread here if you think incels are so wrong. Oh right, you can't leave, you have to be here to feel better about your own shitty life.

Naw, just helping balance against the bullshit.

The whole bullshit about gold diggers just comes from the guys who started the red pillers. They're all rich assholes who keep getting into loveless relationships with gold diggers and keep getting cucked.

That shit has no relevance to the majority of the sub 8 population.

Notice how they had no complaints a generation ago when women had no choice but to be gold diggers and notice how they are trying to fight against the very rights women have to be financially independent now.

The shits so fake.

You are part of the bullshit though if you don't acknowledge the truth of the blackpill. You know there's significant inequity in the dating world, and a disproportionate amount of men left out of the equation entirely, while even ugly/fat women have no trouble getting dates, and it has nothing to do with personality on either side.

Society has simply decided that the bottom ~20% of men don't deserve to experience life, and women would rather share the top 80% and be sidechicks/mistresses than date their looksmatch.

That's not true at all in the real world.


The pillers are just grasping st straws to try to make it seem rigged when it's the least rigged it's ever been.

There have always been people who struggle with romance. The internet just allowed them all to be funneled together into a political ideology

it is true or incels wouldn't exist, and they wouldn't be overwhelmingly male. If things were equal there would be one female incel for every male incel, you know that's nowhere close to the case, female incels don't exist outside of very deformed people, where as just being a sub-3 male means you might be incel if you don't become BetaBux.

it is true or incels wouldn't exist, and they wouldn't be overwhelmingly male. If things were equal there would be one female incel for every male incel, you know that's nowhere close to the case, female incels don't exist outside of very deformed people, where as just being a sub-3 male means you might be incel if you don't become BetaBux.

That's not even true. There have always been incels throughout time. There's nothing different about now at all. It's just that rich assholes are getting bottom of the barrel women and they're mad so they're recruiting a bunch of patsies to try to bring things back to the 70s.

They're mad because women are financially liberated and there are no more laws governing their choices. A generation ago half of my friends would not be legally allowed to be in the relationships they're in.

Again, notice how they are accusing women of being gold diggers while attacking the very rights that women have to NOT be.

Notice how they even attack women who date outside their race and promote the stigma that makes so many women hesitant to become their targets.

no, that's the stereotype of the people who think they are not incels but actually are incels. they try and "defend" women online, because in the back of their mind they think a hot girl will give him sex because they "defended" women.

Lol that is such obvious bullshit projection. Not everyone is so sex starved and motivated by sex as incels. That's like the claim that everyone else is secretly incel but somehow don't know it

No one would ever think that you can get sex by "defending women" online

You have lived a privileged life, consequently you are naive.

Quite the opposite actually. That's why I'm skeptical of all the bullshit

Me in the middle

Why aren't the majority made up of Roastevils lol

Willing to bet a majority of incels aren't neckbeards, simply for the reason that we are a too self conscious and hyper aware if our appearance. To be a neckbeard you'd have to have some level of not giving a fuck.

Ive added a considerable amount of muscle since taking this pics

I have a decent face, strong jaw, and people tell me im really funny.

Ive living proof that mentalcels are real.

I get called "neckbeard" when I win arguments online a lot, because I do have a beard.

It's a full beard though, I have good genes for facial hair, and I grow a beard because I like it. It's not that I don't care about my appearance, it's that I know that my beard is not a neckbeard and I know that anybody who calls me that is just looking for some easy way to insult me.

Ahh yes r/incels well known for its self awareness

I said self consciousness and awareness of our appearance which is different from self awareness (psychological). True self awareness requires work and is more individualistic.

why are so many redditors fat

you mean cucktears

How witty

The dude in the baby blue fedora has a good physique, if only he had self respect he may stand a chance to change his life. The other ones are too far gone and you can bet they judge him for being fit in comparison.

I would love to get creampied by all of those fedora wearing smelly neckbeards. My dream is to get a train run on me by those guys.

Men looked great in fedoras in the 50’s. Why do they look like shit in them today? This is clearlyproof that men have become nu males.

I think it mostly has to do with the rest of the outfit that goes along with a fedora. If you wear a proper fitting suit with a hat it looks significantly better that if you throw it on with a pair of cargos and t-shirt. With the latter outfit the fedora looks really out of place and is hard to pull off.

Gee I don't know, maybe it's because they're wearing them with jeans and musty t shirts?

Ooh, that one in the grey shirt is cute...

The one kid just squating instead of putting his leg back is my mood

and he didn't get the memo that they were snapping, he just makes a fist.

This guy is just a mess all around. Get it together.

How are you so sure they aren't having sex?

They’re not normies.

Don't the /r/beholdthemasterrace userbase. They've reached a state of eternal self-hate projection.

They spend 8 hours a day on an incel subreddit. Go figure.

Life experience, something which you don’t have much of, kid.

They like to make fun of people under the guise that they're not one of them.

yeah people only tend to mock those who are basically on their level, it's why you get the plebs watching the 5000 lb woman who cheated on her husband with a llama on jerry springer or whatever